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Trustees of Damon Memorial Library
Meeting Minutes
March 18, 2010

Attending: Celeste Duffy, Nina Mazloff, Connie Marr, Stephanie Poh, Edna Sexton

The Chair, Celeste Duffy called the meeting to order at 5:25PM.

The minutes of the January 26, 2009 meeting were reviewed and approved. Motion to approve the minutes-Poh. Seconded by Mazloff with unanimous approval.

Public Forum - Sue Reynolds

Report of the Chair - Celeste and Jane Dutton, Director, met with the Town Manager, Nancy Galkowski about the budget and then Jane, Celeste and other Trustees attended the Finance Committee meeting to answer any questions about the library budget.


Director - There was a new leak in the roof after the heavy rain and wind storm. The roofers are not sure the cause but they will need a bucket truck to fix the problem. In anticipation of state cuts to the education budget, each department was asked to cut 5% in their new budget. This cut would only impact our book budget and not personnel. Jane filmed an episode of Zabelle D'Amico's cable show that will air in April. One Book, One Holden and Food for Fines are both in April. All Regional Library Systems are planning to shut down unless the Governor puts money aside to save them. More details of these changes will be discussed at the April meeting. Stan Haney, Assistant Director, will have his last day here on May 14. Jane is working on some type of "open house" or breakfast for him. A librarian in Virginia called to say that two books published in the 1800's with the label "donated by Samuel Gale" were given to her library. Jane asked that the two books be mailed back to us.


Building and Grounds-N/A
Planning and Policy-N/A

Old Business

With respect to the budget, Jane is feeling confident that the library will get what we asked for.

New Business

The Trustees were given an updated copy of the job description for the Assistant Director/Head of Reference Services. This job description has not been updated for seventeen years and it reflects the huge increase of technology in our library.
Mazloff made a motion to accept the new job description. This was seconded by Poh with unanimous approval.


We received a letter from the Holden Garden Club that they would like to place a plaque by the tree that was planted near the driveway after the ice storm. Two questions asked were: Who is paying for the plaque and who is designing it?
Poh made the motion to accept the idea of the plaque. Marr seconded it with unanimous approval.


Marr made a motion to adjourn at 5:50PM and was seconded by Poh with unanimous approval.

Next Meeting

April 15, 2010 at 5:00PM. This will be Mary Ricker's last meeting before she goes off the Board.

Volunteer Appreciation Party - May 12 at 5:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Edna Sexton